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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - This week

RE: Is a barn with no sides deductable from gross new floorspace?

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

Is a barn with no sides deductable from gross new floorspace?

Hi All

We have an application for conversion of a Dutch style barn to a dwelling house and the applicant wants to deduct the floorspace of the barn which has been in recent use. The barn is steel framed with a roof, but no sides. The frame is to be retained, but the concrete floor on which it stands will be replaced. As we do not count open sided canopies/car ports when calculating CIL, logic suggests to me that the applicant cannot deduct the floorspace of the barn, because it has no sides and is akin to a canopy. And if it can be deducted, which line on the ground would the applicant take to calculate floorspace?  

Any advice gratefully received.


Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Is a barn with no sides deductable from gross new floorspace? (Answer)


We had a corregated iron  barn "structure" that we argued was not a building ( it did have partial sides  but was largely open) counted as floorspace to be deducted by VOA on appeal.

I  think your should be different in that it has no sides but I suggest you read the appeal decision - it is on the VOA website but if you want a complete version not redacted then e mail me and we will send a copy + picture.




Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Is a barn with no sides deductable from gross new floorspace? (Answer)



I would say that the "barn" is not a building for CIL purposes.

Although it is not embodied in the CIL Regs., the RICS Code of Measuring Practice is widely used in relation to CIL and GIA. The code says "GIA is the area of a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor level". It follows that if there are no perimeter walls, there can be no GIA.  

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Is a barn with no sides deductable from gross new floorspace?

Thanks Alison and Tony - your replies confirm my thinking.

Alison - I will email you for a copy of the appeal decision - being a rural district we are expecting applications of this type in the future.
