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RE: CIL for outline permissions

Rebecca Randall, modified 9 Years ago.

CIL for outline permissions

Enthusiast Posts: 60 Join Date: 06/05/14 Recent Posts


I was just wondering what other local authorities do in respect of outline permissions granted that are CIL liable. Obviously the chargeable development is not known until reserved matters, so there will be no liability notice sent or local land charge entry in relation to CIL recorded upon the grant of outline permission. I wonder if I should be highlighting the fact that CIL will still be charged later down the line? I was thinking of adding an informative to outline decision notices, wondered if anyone else had other processes in place?

Thanks, Rebecca.

REBECCA STADDON, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: CIL for outline permissions

Advocate Posts: 103 Join Date: 05/09/13 Recent Posts


Here at TDBC I would send a consultation response to the Planning Officer advising of the CIL charging zone that the development sits within and that CIL will be payable on approval of Reserved Matters. Calculations cannot be given, as you rightly say, because floor areas are not known but the Planning Officer would include the payment of CIL in the Officer Report as a financial consideration.

We also have a standard paragraph that goes on all application acknowledgements on registration and letters accompanying planning approval certificates that advises that TDBC charge CIL and advising applicants/agents to research the implications of CIL.


Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: CIL for outline permissions

Following outline approval, I'll issue a very brief letter just to confirm CIL will (or may) be liable, and the charge calculated, on approval of any reserved matters. It should also be on our decision notices as an informative.

Rebecca Randall, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: CIL for outline permissions

Enthusiast Posts: 60 Join Date: 06/05/14 Recent Posts

Thanks for your responses.

Helen - who do you send the letter to? Just the agent, or the applicant, or the landowner as well if its not the same as the applicant?

Our legal team have also suggested that a notice is placed on the local land charges register - even though this is not a strict req until a liability notice is sent out. Or perhaps the planning register, although I'm not sure how easy this is to do.

Just concerned that as it stands someone might buy a site with outline pp and there is not necessarily anything pointing them towards the fact that there is a CIL liability

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: CIL for outline permissions

Hi. It's sent to the applicant and, if there is one, copied to the agent.

I see your point, but as the regs only require us to calculate and record liability at reserved matters (as that is the point planning permission first permits development), I think sending something at outline, to say CIL will apply at reserved matters, achieves some balance between recording a liability prematurely and not notifying anyone about the potential for CIL. 

Moira White, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: CIL for outline permissions

Enthusiast Posts: 26 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts



We add a standard informative to all outline permissions so that we can't be accused further down the line of not letting people know the implications.

The applicant needs to be aware that the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) will be applied to development on this site. The amount of levy due will be calculated at the time the reserved matters application is submitted. Further information about CIL can be found at