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RE: Wind Energy

Helen Chadwick, modified 9 Years ago.

Wind Energy

New Member Posts: 17 Join Date: 14/01/14 Recent Posts
In view of the new ministerial statement that sites have to be indentified and consulted on for wind energy, does anyone have any idea how they are going to deal with this in their Local Plan?
Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Wind Energy

We'll be beginning our Local Plan review in the new year and I had simply planned to update our evidence base by commissioning a consultant to carry out a geographical review of suitable locations in the borough for all the different types of renewable energy and then making reference to these maps in the accompanying policy wording.
Helen Chadwick, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Wind Energy

New Member Posts: 17 Join Date: 14/01/14 Recent Posts
Thanks for that. Do you think that will  be enough?
Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Wind Energy

The ministerial note states that proposed areas must be identifed in the Local Plan. I think maps are the best methods for idenitifying locations. Did you have any ideas?
Andrew Reading, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Wind Energy

Enthusiast Posts: 26 Join Date: 27/07/15 Recent Posts

This is causing a few headaches for our Local Plan review as well. My inital view was that a way forward would by Katie's approach of referring in the policy wording to maps in a consultants report showing areas suitability for wind regeneration. However I then realised that the ministerial statement says

"In applying these new considerations, suitable areas for wind energy development will need to have been allocated clearly in a Local or Neighbourhood Plan. Maps showing the wind resource is favourable to wind turbines, or similar, will not be sufficient".

My reading of this is that it is not enough just to cross-reference to maps in the evidence base, specific sites need to actually be allocated on the adopted Policies Map.....

Helen Chadwick, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Wind Energy

New Member Posts: 17 Join Date: 14/01/14 Recent Posts

I wiould agree with Andrew. It is possible to identify places with resource from the previous regional studies, but then there would be a need to allocate more specifically.

I suppose this could be done on the basis of landscape. I think we will have to go that way, but really I think a call for sites could be the best way. Wind developments can only really be assessed site specifically. This is no doubt costly and time consuming

I am going to attempt to do it using the regional maps and a sensitivity appraoch as used by landuse consultants for various local authorities. I can then gice certain areas allocations basesd on size of turbine. Smaller turbines might be better allocated in local plans.

I am not sure the new government policy is really in line with NPPF though.

Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Wind Energy

Agreed. Looks like the situation is even more complicated than I orignally thought.

Also, our Site Allocations DPD is currently at examination at the inspector is asking why we have no allocated land for wind energy so it seems that it's not just Local Plans that need consideration.

Tim Dawson, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Wind Energy

New Member Posts: 15 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts

I may be taking too simplistic a view on this matter, but having a read through the various parts of this thread, I'm still unclear as to whether we can avoid allocating sites.

Such was the level of opposition to both planning applications and the inclusion (and subsequent removal) of an energy opportunties map from our Core Strategy, it seems counterinituitive to commission work for something that in all likelihood will not gain community support. Can we just ask in early stages of consultation whether or not there is support for wind energy development and respond accordingly in later drafts? On the other hand, will this approach be regarded as not 'planning positively'?


Helen Chadwick, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Wind Energy

New Member Posts: 17 Join Date: 14/01/14 Recent Posts



I have heard from consultants offering to do a wind map layer and there are a number of LPAs simply marking a map with suitable areas. I guess we would have to see what inspectors say about that.


We are considering some site selections based on the wind map, only for larger turbines. It will be tricky though. I am sure politically and locally it will be contentious.



Mark Saunders, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Wind Energy

New Member Posts: 2 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts

May be interested to take a look at our current consultation.

Appendix 4 contains a Consultation Satement which gives an over view of the process so far.


Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Wind Energy

Hi, I was going to post a similar question. We are in a similar position in that no study has been done ot potential areas and we need to draft a policy. Does anyone know if we can   get away with a policy at examination saying that a study will be carried out at a Reg 18 and 19 consultation stage? Or if this a piece of work that needs to be carried out asap before we produce a Reg 18/19 document? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Would your study just look at wind, or would it look at difference types of renewable energy?


Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Wind Energy

Ah, I see the difficulty now, apologies. Yes, we're in a fortunate position in that our Local Plan review and evidence gathering is just beginning.

I will defintiely commission a study that looks into all forms of renewable energy because there are limited opportunties for wind energy in my Local Authority.

I'd also be interested in anyone elses interpretation though as we will obviously have a long interim period before the new Plan is adopted.





Mark Saunders, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Wind Energy

New Member Posts: 2 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts

We are undertaking a technical assessment following the SQW Energy Capacity methodology for wind. We also have an  adopted Landscape Sensitivty Assessment for renewables Adding an LP policy reflecting the results is likely to be politically sensitive so keen to hear from the experience of others!.