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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Planning Application Site Visit

Richard Mulholland, modified 5 Years ago.

Planning Application Site Visit

Enthusiast Posts: 35 Join Date: 19/09/14 Recent Posts

Hello; what if any requirements or expected best practice relates to proposed housing development site visits by LPA planning panel members and then who should or is allowed to have a subsequent vote to decide on the application.

1. site visit was carried out as recommended by LPA planning officer/manager
2. three planning panel members of the eleven committee members attended
3. six members voted at subsequent planning panel decision making meeting
4. only two of the members who voted attended the site meeting

It can be seen that the two members who attended the site visit had more knowledge of the site than the other four members who also voted.

It could be described that four members who voted had incomplete information.

BTW the two members who visited the site voted differently to each other.

Does the above procedure/s satisfy any requirement to provide a fully informed decision.


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