HRA Screening Opinion for NPs - Public forum - Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
HRA Screening Opinion for NPs
Does anyone have any advice regarding HRA screening opinions for Neighbourhood Plans?
In particular, how far from a protected international site need a Neighbourhood Plan be in order to require an HRA screening opinion?
I have seen one example (Lichfield) where the distance was set at 15km, which seems very far.
In our District the international sites are coastal/marshland in nature, and it is difficult to envisage inland neighbourhood plan areas that are 10km or so away having a significant impact, particularly when they are outside the hydrological catchement area, have limited development (less than 150 houses) and in very different landscape character areas. In such circumstances it seems unnecessary to even be requesting a screening opinion.
Any views would be welcome.
The screening stage of an HRA is in place simply to determine if the plan would have 'Likely Significant Effects' on the internationally important interest features of the site, alone or in combination with other plans or projects.
So you need to determine what the effects could be and whether a source - pathway - receptor situation exists. For example, the effects could be pollution (air, water or land) or disturbance (causing mortatlity, avoidance of suitable habitat, stress or behavioural responses). Don't foget to think about recreation pressure.
To do this you need some expert knowledge of species biology (as a minimum).
It is not inteneded to be a large data/evidence collection exercise but should be a precautionary (but proportionate) approach with scientific certainty.
It would be sensible to ask Natural England to comment on your screening exercise. If they agree with your logic, you'll be in a much stronger position.
I would ignore the distances/buffers you may have seen other authorities use for different sites. They will be backed up by robust evidence carried out at the Appropriate Assessment stage of the HRA and will be unique to the site in question.
Hope this is of some help!
I am presuming that the neighbourhood plan is within an area where if there is not a current local plan (unlikely but quite possible) then there is an emerging one.
In general I tend to find the easiest thing is to go to the related document (Habitsts Regs Screening/Appropriate Assessment) as this is likely to give a good basis for what the main issues may be. If , as we have here, there is an issue either individually or cumulatively, then it could equally provide information around what is the best thing to be applied
Hope this points in the right sort of direction