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Sustainability standards in Local Plans

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

Sustainability standards in Local Plans

Hi all,

Please can people tell me what, if any, sustainable design / energy efficiency / LZC policies you are proposing to include in your Local Plans?  I'm trying to work out whether to include anything other than a policy on general sustainable design principles.  We have been asked to consider requiring Passivhaus, but I'm not sure if a) we'd want to go that far or b) whether we could anyway (my thinking is the latter).

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.



Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Sustainability standards in Local Plans

Following this thread with interest as we will reviewing Local Plan next year.

Given the Government's housing standards review, the Deregulation Act and the subsequent abandonment of the 2016 'zero carbon' homes target, I also fear that your option b is sadly applicable. However, very keen to hear from anyone who has found a route to ensure high tandards of sustainability are still enforced.

My understanding is that we can no longer request technical housing standards beyond a council's exisitng policy for access and space, and that requests for energy/water efficiency standards will be disallowed next year. Also, non-residential developments are likely to follow same path in due course.

Anyone else have any thoughts???

Andrew Gunther, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Sustainability standards in Local Plans

New Member Posts: 3 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts

My advice would be to focus much more on the wider urban design principles of new development from an energy perspective. There is an awful lot that planners can do to influence energy efficiency, overheating, etc. through tackling these issues (orientation, massing, layout and landscaping) rather than trying to spend lots of effort on the ‘behind the front door’ issues which are being dealt with through building regulations, increasingly outside of planning’s influence.


Good local design guidance on what constitutes bad development and good development in these respects will help to strengthen your hand from a DM perspective. I also think we should be putting the onus on to the developer to show that the chosen development design solution maximises energy efficiency and limits overheating, compared to other possible solutions, (layout, orientation, etc.) This could be done relatively simply with some basic thermal modelling.


As an side, something to be aware of, is that although the Zero Carbon homes policy and Allowable Solutions scheme has fallen by the wayside, the UK (whilst still a member of the EU) is required to implement the EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive which required almost zero energy buildings from 2021. The way in which this would be enacted in the UK is of course unclear at this point but the development industry should be aware of this, particularly when looking at sites they are looking to develop in many years time. In some cases it may make sense to invest early in low carbon infrastructure to reduce the cost of carbon compliance later down the line. However, personally, I am becoming a little weary and a touch cynical as to what this might look like in the UK given the number of times the goalposts have shifted on this issue over the last 7 years or so!

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Sustainability standards in Local Plans

Thanks for the helpful response Andrew.  Do you know of any good examples of more urban design-related sustainability policies or guidance?


Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Sustainability standards in Local Plans

Hi Emma,


What policies did you decide to adopt in your Local Plan in the end?

I'm beginning the process now.


Many thanks,



Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Sustainability standards in Local Plans

Hi Katie,

To cut a long story short, we ended up only consulting on Strategic Options last year, so we are only just working on the detailed policies now.  We are looking to take a similar approach to that outlined by Andrew above, focusing more on the sustainability of the whole development rather than at building-level.  We are currently considering whether to continue with a policy requiring on-site renewable energy generation, but we are finding that this is being challenged a lot by developers who want to take a fabric first approach instead.

Sorry not to be of more help,
