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RE: Open Space Audits

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

Open Space Audits

Hi all,

Has anyone commissioned or undertaken an Authority-wide Open Space Audit post-NPPF?  If so, did you use the PPG17 Companion Guide methodology or something different?  And do you have a brief you'd be willing to share with me?

Many thanks in advance,


Andrea King, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Open Space Audits

Enthusiast Posts: 76 Join Date: 19/08/13 Recent Posts

Hi Emma

We're doing a conjoined playing pitches and open spaces study at present, commissioned using the same consultants.  I believe that PPG17 Companion Guide is one of those that hasn't been revoked or superseded as it were by the NPPF and new PPG, and thus remains extant. We referred to it in our project brief as a relevant reference point for our study approach to guide the methodology.

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Open Space Audits

Hi Andrea,

Many thanks for your response, we were considering combining both as well so that's good to know.  Would it be at all possible to see your brief?



Andrea King, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Open Space Audits

Enthusiast Posts: 76 Join Date: 19/08/13 Recent Posts
What's your e-mail then Emma and I'll send it across?
Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Open Space Audits

Thank you very much, it's
Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Open Space Audits

Hi Andrea

We are commissioning a sports pitch assessment and I'd be extremely grateful if you could share your brief with me too.

Many thanks






Tim Dawson, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Open Space Audits

New Member Posts: 15 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts

As a matter of interest, what is a typical lifespan of an open space study?

We had a study prepared in August 2012, therefore post NPPF and in accordance with PPG17 guidance. While a reasonable amount of new open space may have been committed  through recent permissions, not a great deal has actually been delivered yet. As the Council gets underway with preparation of a new Local Plan, undertaking an entirely new assessment seem rather extravagant. Any thoughts on whether an assessment from 2012 is likely to still be regarded as robust or could an addendum/update suffice?

Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Open Space Audits

Hi Tim,

To be honest, I'm not sure, but I would have thought a post-NPPF study would still be sufficiently up to date if your open space provision / need is roughly the same.  We're looking at some different models for sports provision e.g. more artificial turf pitches which could be more intensively used, which might alter how much outdoor sports provision we need, so if you've anything like that to consider it would probably be worth an update.

Kind regards


Tim Dawson, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Open Space Audits

New Member Posts: 15 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts

Thanks, Emma

Having dug a little deeper it seems that a lighter touch refresh of open space provision will suffice, but play pitches may require more detail - especially given the FA's recent move towards playing junior teams on smaller pitches. This changes the way existing pitches are marked out and the frequency of use and subsequent impact on the condition of the playing surface etc.

Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Open Space Audits

Tim - I am very interested in your response particularly in regard to requirements for playing pitch assessments. Has anyone undertaken a playing pitch study recently and did you follow all the requirements set out by Sports England?  We are currently considering how to take forward a review of our current study  that will be  fit for purpose to support to an emerging development management plan.