State of the Environment / State of the Parish Reports - Public forum - Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
State of the Environment / State of the Parish Reports
State of the Environment / State of the Parish Reports
Many Neighbourhood Plans seem to produce 'State of the Environment / State of the Parish Reports' at an early stage (as distinct from the 'Environmental Reports' that form part of the statutory SEA process).
Many NP authorities cite the primary purpose of their 'State of the Environment/Parish Report' as being to inform an SEA screening opinion.
However, I have been unable to identify where the requirement for a 'State of the Environment/Parish Report' is actually set out, or whether if it is a strict requiremet or merely good practice? Is anyone able to advise on this please?
Much obliged
Jo Witherden, modified 9 Years ago.
RE: State of the Environment / State of the Parish Reports
Enthusiast Posts: 33 Join Date: 21/10/11 Recent PostsThere is no legal requirement for such a report that I have found.
The only other 'link' in terms of legal requirement outside of the SEA issue is that your neighbourhood plan “contributes to the achievement of sustainable development” as required to be tested under Schedule 4B section 8(2)b of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. But again, this does not specify the need for a state of the environment report.
Hope that helps - Jo
Thanks Jo,
The PPG (paras 34 and 38) also makes reference to the 'Baseline' information to support the SEA for NPs, but suggests this is put together alongside the SEA Scoping Report, which would be post screening opinion, unlike the examples of 'State of the Environmernt/ Parish' reports which I have seen which seem exist prior to the screening opinion.
It seems there must be a further source for the advice on 'State of the Environment /Parish' report, possibly some good practice/advice note on Neighbourhood Planning.
Along with Jo I would say that there is no specific requirement that I am aware of for 'State of the Parish' reports.
However, we have received a number and we advise our groups that they can be useful as a way of collating information around the 3 strands of sustainable development for them to then be able to identify the particular issues that they wish their plans amd policies to address, as well as helpinf Examiner's to see the formulation process.
Personally I find that they are for the same nature of reason useful in providing a more detailed overview for a screening process. We have specifically created a Request form though that is muh more clearly linked to the SEA Directive as requires the main topic/subject areas from the directive are listed and requires information to be provided around the nature, type and scale or development that they are proposing in their plans.
The figure within the PPG essentially duplicates that for SEA and local plan production, which of course is most tightly linked to the content of the SEA Directive, so this is the reasoning as to why it is identified at that stage.
Hope this provides slightly more information on the two elements and relationships with the neighbourhood planning process. If it is something that you are looking to develop or are considering how to integrate then the first element in terms of formulation processes may be the best way of thinking of things.