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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Waste and housing report

Alex Marshall, modified 9 Years ago.

Waste and housing report

New Member Post: 1 Join Date: 23/05/11 Recent Posts

The Inform team have made two new reports, which might be of interest. These reports are written for LA and FRS staff so you will need to sign in to see them. If you need anymore details please let me know.

Thanks Alex

Housing report in LG Inform Plus

The report has been designed to provide housing related statistics, drawing together relevant and available data at ward level or below. Through a series of maps and charts with supporting text you can learn about a range of indicators including density, tenure, dwelling type, over/under occupation and energy consumption. The purpose of the report is to explore the local context to help build a picture of the housing related pressures within the local authority area. Combining this information with local intelligence and knowledge can help identify issues and priorities for the locality as well as areas for further investigation.

LG Inform Plus is an online tool that provides easy up-to-date published data about local government wards and other small areas (LSOAs), allowing subscribers to create and share reports with maps, graphs, charts and dynamic text.

The LG Inform Plus team have produced the report for use by subscribing authorities only, which draws together relevant and available small area data on the subject of adult social care. The report can be accessed at the following link. You will need to sign in to see the report:


Local government workforce and earnings report

This report pulls together data from the Local Government Workforce and Earnings surveys and presents it at local authority level. Through a range of charts and maps, the report displays information on sickness absence, labour turnover, vacancy rate, information about the demographics of the highest earners, annual pay (by male/female and full-time/part-time), age profile and ethnic origin. Councils are able to use this information to enable benchmarking and support improvement.