Viability Testing of Neighbourhood Plans - Public forum - Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Viability Testing of Neighbourhood Plans
Hi all,
I am contacting this forum with regards to the updated NPPF and PPG on viability and their effects on Neighbourhood Planning. We note that Plans needs to be demonstrated to be deliverable (NPPF 2018 para 16b) and that viability is an aspect of that.
SCC is currently advising a number of Neighbourhood Forums, where draft NPs do not contain any housing allocations, but do contain policies on housing needs and technical requirements such as space standards and building for life requirements. Having searched for more information/ clarification we have found that there is very little about NP policies but substantial guidance on site allocations. The Locality Toolkit on viability states that ‘the PPG is clear that viability must be considered when preparing neighbourhood plans’, and follows on to say ‘the assessment is purely concerned with whether or not the proposals for a site or the policy requirements within an emerging neighbourhood plan would render development unviable. Viability assessment outputs can be used (if necessary) to amend proposals or policies to help facilitate development and to ensure the cumulative impact of the proposals and policies does not threaten the delivery of the neighbourhood plan and Local Plan’s vision, objectives and strategic policies’.
SCC are currently preparing a Draft Local Plan and viability work will be undertaken and published alongside this, this will however be too late to be of assistance to the NP Forums. We are advising Neighbourhood Forums on the need for viability assessment, and would appreciate if others can inform us on what they have advised Forums to produce (if they have) and how they have considered that to be ‘proportionate’.