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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Today

CIL- S73 & Self-Build Relief

Claire Woods, modified 9 Years ago.

CIL- S73 & Self-Build Relief

Enthusiast Posts: 35 Join Date: 19/06/13 Recent Posts

I have received a S73 application for a planning application I have recenlty granted Self-Build Relief.

My questions are: -

i) Is the S73 application that is just to alter a condition to allow a sliding gate CIL Liable?

ii) If it is CIL Liable do they have to apply for the Self-Build Relief again or does it just transfer?

Thanks in advance.

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: CIL- S73 & Self-Build Relief

No exemptions are transferable from one permission to another. A permission granted under s.73 is a new planning permission.
Claire Woods, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: CIL- S73 & Self-Build Relief

Enthusiast Posts: 35 Join Date: 19/06/13 Recent Posts
Thanks that's what I thought but just wanted to check.  I was hoping that we wouldn't have to do all the paperwork again as it's not very customer friendly.