DM Local Performance Measures - Public forum - Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
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Started - July 2012
Last activity - Yesterday
DM Local Performance Measures
Hi All
We're about to embark on a piece of work (I'm loathe to call it another 'review'!) to look at how we can change the way we deliver our Development Management service to make sure we're the best we can possibly be.
Just wondering whether anyone has any alternative LPIs used to measure how good you are, rather than the punitive national indicators which only give a not very good indication of speed.
Any thoughts/suggestions welcome.
I have completely revised our performance targets for 16-17 with a focus on end to end times i.e. how many days an application (be it a planning application or condition discharge) is with the Council before determination and ignoring the fact an EoT may have been agreed. I am targeting majors, the new(ish) non-majors definition that DCLG use for the live tables and on which designation may be based later this year and condition diischarge. The figures were very different so I have split them.
Richard Crawley, modified 8 Years ago.
RE: DM Local Performance Measures
Expert Posts: 258 Join Date: 07/12/11 Recent Posts
Yes, I think the end-to-end thing is very sensible, as is understanding the truth about how long things take irrespective of agreements to extend timetables. There is a risk, perhaps, that some places use an EoT as a crutch to mask poor performance rather than deal with it.