Broadband Connections on New Development - Public forum - Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Broadband Connections on New Development
Mike Hase, modified 5 Years ago.
Broadband Connections on New Development
New Member Posts: 24 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent PostsOur Local Plan includes a policy which seeks to support improvements to and extension of telecommunications and the provision of superfast broadband infrastructure. We are in the process of preparing a Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document which, amongst other things, aims to encourage developers of new residential development to liaise with broadband providers to ensure that Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) is available to future residents of the development.
The SPD proposes to seek to impose a condition on developments of 30 dwellings or more and commercial development of 500sq metres or more that will require the provision of ducting capable of accommodating a full fibre network from a suitable entry point into the site and onwards to each dwelling/commercial unit.
For all other developments the SPD proposes the inclusion of an advisory note which encourage developers to provide ducting within the development site. A footnote is also proposed which advises applicants to liaise with Openreach at least six months before development commences to ensure the provision of full fibre connections to the site.
Are there any other authorities that have implemented either a SPD to address broadband provision or impose conditions on planning applications? If so what is the threshold of the size of the site upon which conditions are imposed?