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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Today

PAS Local Plan Route Mapper & Toolkit Users' Forum

Steve Barker, modified 5 Years ago.

PAS Local Plan Route Mapper & Toolkit Users' Forum

New Member Post: 1 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts

The PAS Local Plan Route Mapper & Toolkit gives advice and a toolkit to help guide LPAs through the process of reviewing and, where needed, updating your local plan, whether this is a partial or full update, covering all of the stages of plan-making.

We want to make sure that the Route Mapper and toolkit are seen as a ‘live’ resource and one that continues to provide a practical source of advice for local planning authorities.  To support this we have setup this Users' Forum so you can share thoughts, examples of good practice, any ‘top tips’ or case studies and as a place for you to ask any questions about using the toolkit or make suggestions about changes or additions that you think we should make.