NPPF paragraph 68 - 10% of housing on small sites - Public forum - Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
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NPPF paragraph 68 - 10% of housing on small sites
Carolyn Barnes, modified 5 Years ago.
NPPF paragraph 68 - 10% of housing on small sites
New Member Posts: 2 Join Date: 28/03/18 Recent Posts
NPPF para 68 states that LPAs should identify 10% of their housing requirement on sites no larger then 1 hectare.It appears that there may be at least two interpretations of this requirement either
i) 10% of the Plan requirement (Likely to be based on LHN) but including the potential contribution from windfall
ii) 10% of the number of dwellings to be allocated after taking account of commitments.
I would be interested to know what approach others are taking.