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RE: Requiring Higher Level Building Regs

Jonathan Pheasant, modifié il y a 7 années.

Requiring Higher Level Building Regs

Advocate Publications: 158 Date d'inscription: 23/05/11 Publications Récentes

The 'new' building regulations relating to accessible and adaptable and wheelchair user dwellings came in about a year ago now. Local Planning authorities can only require the higher adaptable/accessible standards (Part M(2)) or Wheelchair User (Part M(3)) where they have a policy in an adopted Plan.

To have a policy in a plan the authority must evidence the need for the higher levels and also demonstrate that it is viable to deliver the policy requirement.

I was wondering if anyone has, or knows anyone who has successfully adopted such a policy and if so how they evidenced it?

We included such a policy in our submitted plan but in discusison at the EiP, the Inspector felt that the policy was not properly evidenced. Basically, the evidence we used was parts of our SHMA which looked at projections for things like age/diability and predicted higher inceidences of things like strokes, falls etc. etc as a result. I think the we accept that this is fairly generic. 

I know the PPG has some info on this and links to some other information but it would be good if there were any actual examples of plans which had passed axamination successfully with higher BR requirements.

How much more does it cost to build a Part M(2) house over a standard one? It seems a no-brainer that with the aging population and a desire to allow people to remain in their homes longer we must provide homes which are accessible and which can be adapted to changing needs. 



Stephen Benge, modifié il y a 7 années.

RE: Requiring Higher Level Building Regs

New Member Publications: 15 Date d'inscription: 20/10/11 Publications Récentes


See the Sept 2014 DCLG Cost Impact report - it is estimated by the government that the cost of implementing M4(2) from the outset is between £520 and £940 plus the cost for extra space: £722 - £2,166 (p38).  But the report goes on to say that, taking into account that people will pay more for extra space, this second cost reduces to between £289 and £866...


Jonathan Pheasant, modifié il y a 7 années.

RE: Requiring Higher Level Building Regs

Advocate Publications: 158 Date d'inscription: 23/05/11 Publications Récentes

Thanks Stephen.

That is a helpful start. As it's 2 years old now I expect it would be argued that the costs have increased now! I would be interested to know if anyone has used this and successfully adopted a policy.

James Campbell, modifié il y a 7 années.

RE: Requiring Higher Level Building Regs

New Member Publications: 13 Date d'inscription: 21/10/11 Publications Récentes
My colleauge has been looking into this and has a draft evidence paper put together.  If you email us at I'm sure we would be happy to share experience.
Jonathan Pheasant, modifié il y a 7 années.

RE: Requiring Higher Level Building Regs

Advocate Publications: 158 Date d'inscription: 23/05/11 Publications Récentes
Thanks James, will do.