Future of 'burdens grant' for LA's to support Neighbourhood Plans in 20/21? - Public forum - Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Future of 'burdens grant' for LA's to support Neighbourhood Plans in 20/21?
Former Member, modified 4 Years ago.
Future of 'burdens grant' for LA's to support Neighbourhood Plans in 20/21?
Can anyone shed any light on the future of the programme of Financial Support for local authorities to support the preparation of Neighbourhood Plans?
At present LA's can claim £20,000 once they have set a date for a referendum following a successful examination, plus £5k for the first five designated Neighbourhood Areas. Also additional funding is available where the plan is led by a Neighbourhood Forum, or where the plan is a business area, and for CRtBO's, etc.
In January, MHCLG published the following press release: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-announces-8-million-cash-boost-for-vibrant-new-communities
I am concerned that the press release seems to imply that financial support will only be available to the select few local authorities listed in the press release. It doesn't explain what funding will be available for those LA's not listed in the press release.