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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

RE: Rural Exception Sites

Robert Mackenzie, modified 7 Years ago.

Rural Exception Sites

New Member Posts: 2 Join Date: 03/04/13 Recent Posts
How large can a "limited affordable housing" development in the green belt be? The Local Plan refers to "small sites"..."modest and in keeping with the form and character of the settlement and local landscape setting". The proposed site is near to a village of 5,000 residents. Any examples of size guidelines, or relevant appeal decisions would be very helpful.
Will Morris, modified 7 Years ago.

RE: Rural Exception Sites

New Member Posts: 4 Join Date: 24/05/11 Recent Posts

Hi Robert,

Firstly, are you sure you mean Green Belt and not greenfield? Green Belt is a specific designation that will have specific policies attached.

If greenfield then its likely governed by your local Rural Exceptions Sites policy. The NPPF defines RES as 'Small sites used for affordable housing in perpetuity where sites would not normally be used for housing.' - its in the Glossary. Local policy tends to relate 'small' to the surrounding context as yours sounds as though it does. There aren't really any rules of thumb I'm aware of and the best option would be to put in a pre-app request to your local plannign authority. I've seen some authorities saying 30-40 is suitably small and others being much more restrictive - best to check or to see whether there have been other schemes delivered under the same policy around the settlement in the last few years - the Council will probably have a planning search box on their website - good for a bit of research.

Hope that helps.

Robert Mackenzie, modified 7 Years ago.

RE: Rural Exception Sites

New Member Posts: 2 Join Date: 03/04/13 Recent Posts

Hello Will,


thanks for the reply.  Yes the site is definitely Green Belt.  The Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan both reflect the NPPF wording, but give no indication of scale.  I've made an enquiry of the local planning authority but have not had a response. 



Will Morris, modified 7 Years ago.

RE: Rural Exception Sites

New Member Posts: 4 Join Date: 24/05/11 Recent Posts
Gotcha. Good luck!