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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

RE: Cash 4 All Cars - Unauthorised Adverts

Daniel Cooper, modified 7 Years ago.

Cash 4 All Cars - Unauthorised Adverts

New Member Posts: 2 Join Date: 22/02/17 Recent Posts


We have been having problems with the above business leaving vehicles parked around the Borough for the purpose of advertising. All they have is a mobile phone number. They don't seem to have a premises (we can't find any evidence of one) and aren't registered anywhere so will be hard to track down. We have called them before warning that vehicles must be removed as they are illegal adverts but have found they are just moving them around the area. We are now at the stage where we are going to have to prosecute however it looks like it will be difficult to track down anyone in connection with the business for a summons. Has anyone here had any dealings with this company or have any useful information they can share? They have a similar name to Cash For Cars but we haven't had any trouble with those.

Many thanks


Former Member, modified 7 Years ago.

RE: Cash 4 All Cars - Unauthorised Adverts

If you are satisfied that an offence is being committed, and assuming you have the registration plate of the vehciles used to display the adverts, you may be able to obtain the registered keeper details of the vehicles used from the DVLA.  Have a look on thier website or phone them and ask for a pad of VQ616 forms.  It would then be a case of demonstrating that the registered keepers of those vehicles have committed an offence.  Or maybe just warning them in writing will bring an end to it.

Andrew Muir, modified 7 Years ago.

RE: Cash 4 All Cars - Unauthorised Adverts

New Member Posts: 11 Join Date: 10/11/15 Recent Posts


You can try using the antisocial behiour legislation.

I believe Worcester council and Blackpool council use this to combat such issues. Unfortunately if your in a National Park you can't.