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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - This week

RE: Gypsy & Traveller, DPD

Henry Cumbers, modified 7 Years ago.

Gypsy & Traveller, DPD

New Member Post: 1 Join Date: 03/03/17 Recent Posts


We are currently considering the potential of bringing forward a separate DPD for Gypsy & Traveller sites. However, orginally it was our intention that the level of need would also be detemrined through this document. However, on studying the PAS website Q&A it states that need should be determinmed through their main strategic policies plan with several examination suspended due to an absence of policy. I wondered if anyone had any experience on this or advice on this?






Judith Orr, modified 7 Years ago.

RE: Gypsy & Traveller, DPD

New Member Posts: 11 Join Date: 06/10/15 Recent Posts

Hi Henry

I am not sure how you could establish the need for gypsies and travellers through a specific g and t DPD!

We have produced a Housing and Development Needs Assessment, as background evidence for our LP, which identifies the OAHN for the Local Plan period. The OAHN includes all housing need (including that of g & ts), other than for the institutional population. 

In addition to the HEDNA, we have commissioned additional work to look in more detail at the needs of the g and t population and to try and determine whether they are travelling or not.

Not sure if that helps!
