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Health in the local plan

Ambreen Sheikh, modified 7 Years ago.

Health in the local plan

New Member Posts: 3 Join Date: 05/05/17 Recent Posts



I work for the Leicester City Council and I am based within the Division of Public Health. Our team is fairly new and we are currently in the process of refreshing our local plan.  


I am interested to know how health can be incorporated in a local plan and as we are at early stages of development– it would be great to learn from your expertise as to what examples you may have of health being implemented. Are there any documents or papers which have been published around this?


My team and I would be interested to know how health can be put into the local plan, how this has worked/not worked. This is a learning curve for us and we would highly appreciate any input.


Kind regards


Ambreen Sheikh

Andrew Reading, modified 7 Years ago.

RE: Health in the local plan

Enthusiast Posts: 26 Join Date: 27/07/15 Recent Posts

Hi Ambreen,

I lot of Council's seem to prepare health impact assessments to inform their plan making. Its a cross-cutting issue so this seems a sensible way to ensure public health issues are picked in relevant areas of the plan. I think the process is essentially just appraising the draft policies against specific health objectives, similar to the sustainability appraisal process. 

The TCPA has some useful guidance on incorporating health into plan making:





Ambreen Sheikh, modified 7 Years ago.

RE: Health in the local plan

New Member Posts: 3 Join Date: 05/05/17 Recent Posts

Thank-you Andrew, that is really valuable and helpful information.

Best wishes,


Former Member, modified 7 Years ago.

RE: Health in the local plan

Hertfordshire County Council have done quite a lot of work on this. The contact is Bethan Clemence.
Ambreen Sheikh, modified 7 Years ago.

RE: Health in the local plan

New Member Posts: 3 Join Date: 05/05/17 Recent Posts
Thank-you for your response Kim!