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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Achieving Affordable and Market mix in apartments

Jonathan Pheasant, modified 4 Years ago.

Achieving Affordable and Market mix in apartments

Advocate Posts: 158 Join Date: 23/05/11 Recent Posts

Hello all

This will probably be more an issue for urban authorities but I just wanted to ask if anyone has established any good ideas, working practices etc for delivering mix of affordable and market resi units in apartment blocks. 

The actual mix issue is not something I deal with directly but colleagues are telling me it's very difficult to get an AH/market mix in a block for a number of reasons. In particular the maintenance and service agreements seem to be one area. Registered providers don't seem keen on taking these units.

We have significant AH needs and need to think outside the box to get mixed developments/communities rather than take commuted sums.

We also have an issue where we often have marginal viability on schemes and so the number of AH units is usually driven down, making it more difficult to achieve a mix.   

We have had some apartment schemes (in the CBD) where shared ownership has been marketed with interest.

So I'm wondering if other urban LPAs have similar issues and what are people doing to try and get the mix.

Will post this on the S106/CIL/Growth forum area too.

Any ideas/thoughts most gratefully received.
