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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Today

Neighbour removed obscured windows. Was a Planning restriction.

Rachel Topps, modified 4 Years ago.

Neighbour removed obscured windows. Was a Planning restriction.

New Member Posts: 17 Join Date: 16/04/20 Recent Posts

My neighbour sold me a section of her garden with the remains of a shed that had been there for nearly 20 years. Over the last three years the shed had fallen down, been cleared, and only the concrete foundations remained. The area being used for storing firewood. This section of garden is overlooked by another property which has a planning restriction saying the window at the rear is to be obscured glass to prevent overlooking the adjoining property.  Does this planning restriction still apply now that the adjoining property it once related to, is no longer the adjoining property. Instead it is my garden land that it overlooks. I wish to re-instate the shed on the existing foundations, but within the last three years, this neighbour has replaced the obscured windows with clear ones. So will now look out at the shed, and does not want his view obstructed! A view he was never supposed to have. Is that planning restriction no longer valid, due to splitting the land? This garden land is no longer attached to a residence.

Thank you

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