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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Calling volunteers to help us design a better planning application system!

Kevin Buckthorpe, modified 3 Years ago.

Calling volunteers to help us design a better planning application system!

New Member Posts: 15 Join Date: 21/01/12 Recent Posts

We are on a mission to improve the planning application system. Lambeth council is leading on a project to make it quicker and easier for people to submit planning applications. The project is funded by MHCLG (Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government), ‘Reducing Invalid Planning Applications' (RIPA) is an open, collaborative project. One of its aim is to improve the current planning application submission process and bring the system into the 21st century. Hopefully, this will save time and money for applicants and councils when submitting planning applications.

We completed our Alpha phase in March 2020 and we’ve now moved into Beta. Some of you may have responded to our Alpha call out. We were unable to meet everyone, but we hope this won’t deter you from offering up your time to test for the Beta stage. We are working in partnership with five other Local Authorities: Buckinghamshire, Camden, Lewisham, Northumberland, and Southwark. The current system is confusing, opaque and requests applicants to have to look at multiple resources to work out what is needed to submit a planning application. The hope is that the tool will allow applicants to submit valid planning applications on their first attempt.

The design aims to help them navigate the process so that they don’t need to reference multiple different websites etc. The end product we hope will reduce the number of invalid planning applications submitted to the council and also save time and money for both applicants and councils. The design will bring the planning application service into the digital era. We need your feedback to help us improve the design.

Our initial focus was on Householder planning applications, but we will be widening that to include Minor type applications soon. We are at the stage of testing our Beta phase of the prototype with those who might use the new digital planning application service in the future e.g. planning agents, architects & residents.

We want to better understand how you would engage with the new online system being developed and capture your feedback. Our independent User Researcher will contact you and arrange a remote research session. We will observe your responses to her questions and get your feedback about how you found the experience and what you think could be improved. We would greatly appreciate your input on this project.

If you would be interested in taking part, please fill in this form at the link below. It will only take a couple of minutes to complete:

All trial sessions will be conducted remotely online. To find out more about the project, visit

For help or questions please contact Ho Lam our independent User Researcher on the project: