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Net zero carbon policies

Matt Melville, modified 3 Years ago.

Net zero carbon policies

New Member Post: 1 Join Date: 03/12/15 Recent Posts



I was wondering whether anyone had a record of all the Local Plan policies setting sustainable construction standards that exceeded Building Regulations (or exceeded the 19% in the PPG)?


I am aware of the adopted net zero carbon policies in the London Plan, Reading and Oxford, and the similarly ambitious emerging policies in Cornwall and Stroud.  Whilst I appreciate the national policy context is changing (with the Future Homes Standard etc), it would be helpful to have a full picture of those policies that had got through examination (and potentially also those that hadn't), and those emerging plans looking to set net zero policies.  I thought it was worth asking as this feels like a piece of work someone else might already have done!   


Many thanks


Melanie Robertson, modified 1 Year ago.

RE: Net zero carbon policies

New Member Post: 1 Join Date: 15/09/22 Recent Posts

Hi Matt,

Not sure when you posted this but it just came up on my email. The Good Homes Aliiance were looking at complying a document setting where different Local Authorities were at in terms of Net Zero policies in Local Plans, so it may be worth contacting them. 
