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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Number of emails received by planning staff

Michael Martin, modified 3 Years ago.

Number of emails received by planning staff

New Member Posts: 15 Join Date: 14/11/16 Recent Posts

I have received a query from our planning officers regarding the number of planning and/or application related emails they receive on a daily basis.  One comment I have received is that dealing with the number of emails received could easily be a full time job.

Following on from this, I have set up a working group to look at this and discuss how we can streamline the process, deal with the number of emails received and continue to provide a good service. 

We already have an online form for planning related queries.

Could I, therefore, ask whether any other Local Authorities have implemented a system or process regarding emails or are looking at one please.  Also, it would be helpful for me to get your thoughts, comments or suggestions on this.

Many thanks.


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