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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

First Homes (decision making in the medium term)

richard white, modified 3 Years ago.

First Homes (decision making in the medium term)

Advocate Posts: 224 Join Date: 26/11/18 Recent Posts

Whilst a lot of the PPG appears pretty well crafted it does seem to overlook the practical difficulty of the legal requirement to give primacy to the development plan in decision making.

As drafted the transitional arrangements for decision taking in para 20 only apply to soon-to-be-adopted plans NOT already-adopted-plans, about which the PPG appears silent. At face value para 20 can only be read as stating by omission that compliance with an already-adopted-plan is not a valid reason to disapply the policy, and therefore it should apply with immediate effect, but the decision maker still has a duty to consider what weight to give to this. While it is based on a WMS and therefore has as much weight as any national policy statement can have,  it can still only be considered a material consideration in the overall balance...

I'm curious as to how LPAs are likely to react to the First Homes WMS and PPG in decision making. (Especially those of you with an up-to-date adopted plan.)


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