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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - This week

Housing development straddling local authority boundaries

Former Member, modified 3 Years ago.

Housing development straddling local authority boundaries

My specific question is whether there is any planning case law or other basis for deciding how to treat individual properties in a proposed scheme that lie partly within each local authority area? On what basis is it established in which local authority area a property is located for the purposes of housing supply, CIL/S106 payments, etc. Is it reasonable to apply the principle of it being in the local authority area where the largest proportion of the property is situated? If that is the case, should this be based on property curtilage, or dwelling footprint or floorspace or volume, and how should garages (integral or detached) be treated? It has been suggested that the location of the front (main) entrance door should be the determining factor. All sorts of permutations but which is the soundest approach?