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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - This week

Biodiversity net gain - good practice examples wanted!

Rebecca Moberly, modified 2 Years ago.

Biodiversity net gain - good practice examples wanted!

New Member Posts: 23 Join Date: 31/03/21 Recent Posts

PAS is collating good practice examples to share on what local authorities are doing now on biodiversity net gain - even if you've not got something complete, we're interested in the 'journey' to BNG, so understanding what you might be exploring. We're particularly interested in the following, as we have fewer examples, so please share any you're aware of/what your authority is up to under these:

BNG policies with:
Local distinctiveness factored in
Agreed metric
Agreed target

Evidence base for Local Plans on BNG

Strategy that influences delivery of BNG - what type of habitats, where

Written/shareable process for assessing BNG in planning applications

Standard conditions covering BNG

Template S106 agreements for BNG

Delivery of BNG, including assessment of sites, offsite delivery mechanisms, monitoring

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