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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Permitted development rights - "similar appearance"

James Wicks, modified 2 Years ago.

Permitted development rights - "similar appearance"

New Member Posts: 5 Join Date: 16/11/16 Recent Posts

I have a question regarding a certificate of lawfulness application with regards to permitted development under Class B.2 

The guidance given in the technical guidance is that:

"B.2 Development is permitted by Class B subject to the following conditions - (a) the materials used in any exterior work shall be of a similar appearance to those used in the construction of the exterior of the existing dwellinghouse This condition is intended to ensure that any addition or alteration to a roof for a loft conversion results in an appearance that minimises visual impact and is sympathetic to the existing house. This means that the materials used should be of similar visual appearance to those in the existing house, but does not mean that they need to be the same materials or match exactly. The visual impacts of the materials used will the most important consideration. For example: • the flat roofs of dormer windows will not normally have any visual impact and so, in this case, the use of materials such as felt, lead or zinc for flat roofs of dormers will therefore be acceptable. • the face and sides of a dormer window should be finished using materials that give a similar visual appearance to existing house. So the materials used for facing a dormer should appear to be of similar colour and design to the materials used in the main roof of the house when viewed from ground level. Window frames should also be similar to those in the existing house in terms of their colour and overall shape."


The original house is a mix of white painted brickwork and non painted brickwork.

Having read a few appeals, the decisions on whether the dormer cheeks can be of materials similar to the house walls (so proposed render painted the same colour as the existing walls)  or whether they HAVE to be tiles similar in appearance to the main roof, is inconsistent and i can find 2 rulings for both decision. 

Does anyone have any guidance, or preferably a definitive answer, on whether rendered dormer cheeks are permitted development in this case?