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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Parties to sign the S106 agreement

Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Parties to sign the S106 agreement

A planning officer has insisted that my immediate neighbour and the neighbour next door but one have to join with me in signing the agreement. Permission was granted in 1966 to station three static caravans on what was then just one plot of land. There was sale off of part of the original plot in 1977 and then another sale of part in 1990. They were both granted planning permission without having to sign a S106 to confirm that they would give up their rights to also station 3 static caravans. I, and my immediate neighbour wish to build bungalows so he is only too willing to sign the agreement. However, the other neighbour will NOT sign ! We are now well and truly stuck, as without all the signatures we will not be granted outline permission. Is there any way around this ? Could the Planning Officer deal with it in a different way ? Many thanks, Glyn.