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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - May

Transition from S106 to CIL with large phased developments

Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Transition from S106 to CIL with large phased developments

Section 128 of the CIL Regs 2010 states that a development is not liable for CIL if, on the day permission is granted, a CIL charging schedule has not been adopted by the relevant local authority. Does section 8 of the regs have any relevance/impact on this? Section 8(5) states that where outline permission permits development to be implemented in phases, permission first permits development of a phase when the final reserved matter associated with a phase is approved. So, if a phased development is given outline planning permission before a local authority has adopted a Charging Schedule and then reserved matters applications for that phase are submitted after adoption of the schedule, is the development of that phase liable to pay CIL because, as set out in section 8(5) of the regs, development is first permitted on the day of the final approval of the last reserved matter associated with that phase? Or is it the case that if a large, phased development were to be given outline planning permission before a charging schedule is adopted it would never be liable to pay for CIL?
Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Re: Transition from S106 to CIL with large phased developments

I understood that its the outline permission that grants consent, so if the outline is granted prior to a CIL schedule being adopted, then no CIL is payable on any of the reserved matters. This came from DCLG at one of our PAS CIL events this week.
Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Re: Transition from S106 to CIL with large phased developments

We have asked DCLG this question and the reply was, as Alice has said that if the outline is granted prior to a CIL schedule being in place then no CIL is payable on any of the reserved matters.