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REBECCA STADDON, modified 10 Years ago.


Advocate Posts: 103 Join Date: 05/09/13 Recent Posts

Hi All,

Can I ask how those Councils already charging CIL handle telephone calls from the general public enquiring on the CIL liability for a site?

I understand that CIL is 100% transparent but if Mr Smith telephones and asks how much CIL a specific site will have to pay what is the best practice for answering his enquiry?

I feel that you can't answer the question until a Demand Notice has been issued at the very earliest because circumstances can change. Am I thinking along the right lines?

Many Thanks



Former Member, modified 10 Years ago.


Hi Rebecca, as soon as a Liability Notice has been issued, the figure for CIL is in the public domain. You are correct that the figure may change after that if, for example a form of relief is granted, but as long as that possibility is explained to someone that asks, I can't see a problem.

In any event,  anyone who looks at the register copies of the planning papers and is aware of the relevant CIL rates should be able to calculate the figure for themselves.

In practice, as far as I am aware, we haven't had third parties asking about the CIL figure for particular sites.

Hope this helps.