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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Today

Officer forums

Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

Officer forums

I've always found it useful to get together periodically with other officers to review common issues, emerging legislation, discuss best practice etc. Outside of specific training events, does anyone know of any regional or local officers meetings in the South West / Gloucester area that I could possibly join up with? A free lunch is desirable but not essential ;)
Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

Officer forums

andy - I understand that there is a lively enforcement community in the south-west which I think is organised by/related to NAPE (National Association of Planning Enforcement). try contacting Tony Russell at Exmoor National Park ( or Roger Wooton at South Somerset Council for details.
Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

Enforcement Officer Forums / Meetings

Go and Join SEOG One of the best Enforcement groups I have attended, go to the following link: Possibly more officers at a SEOG meeting than the total combined national membership of NAPEā€¦ ! Run by a well organised and dedicated group of volunteers