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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - This week

Powers of Entry/Staff ID cards

Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

Powers of Entry/Staff ID cards

I'm interested in identifying from other members' experience, the necessary content of Enforcement Officer's ID cards for the purposes of powers of entry etc.
Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

ID Cards

Gary, in my experience concerns regarding i.d. cards is one regularly raised on training courses, seminars, enforcement forums etc. In my L.A. we have a very basic photo i.d. card with some short text on the reverse to the effect of 'The certified holder of this card is authorised to enter upon land or premises at all reasonable hours within the borough of **** in the execution of their statutory and other duties.' I have always been concerned that this is inadequate and could be challenged as such in any legal proceedings that followed on from an investigation relying on evidence obtained followiing the production of my i.d. card to a relevant party. I have seen officers from other authorities with much better examples where their i.d. card is more akin to a police officers warrant wallet, including a photo i.d. badge, proof of delegated authority as a duly authorised officer and a full list of the statutory duties and others that the officer has delegted authority for and powers of entry. This should then withstand any challenge in the Courts. This would be a rare occurrence but I would find it very frustrating to lose a case on a technical issue such as inadequate i.d. card or not having the requisite delegted authority to enter the land or premises.
Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

Powers of Entry/Staff ID cards

Our Auuthority to enter land and buildings includes a list of the relevant legislation and is also signed by the Head of Planning as the authorising officer. We also have the PACE caution on the back as an aide memoire!