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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - May

Compliance using conditions

Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

Compliance using conditions

'A minimum of 2 weeks prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted the developer shall notify the Local Planning Authority of the intended date of commencement of works on site' Could conditions such as that above be used in a permission to aid the LPA to monitor where for example pre-commencement conditions have been stipulated?
Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: Compliance using conditions

Not sure about this as a condition but where the application is accompanied by a Section 106 Agreement you might want to introduce a clause obligating the developer to submit a pre-commencement Notices (or other event dates that you choose). Not always observed, but gives you more ammunition should you wish to threaten or pursue action against the developer for Breach of Condition.