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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Performance Management within Planning Compliance

Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Performance Management within Planning Compliance

We are keen to improve the way we manage performance within the Planning Compliance Team at Horsham District Council and are considering adopting different performance indicators, to provide a better picture of how the team functions. Do you have any experience or knowledge of performance management within a Planning Compliance Team, which could be useful to this project? In particular, we are keen to explore what information would be useful to improve the internal management of the team and to improve promotion of the team and its successes. We also keen to gain a greater awareness of the benchmarks other Council’s adopt for specific performance management indicators in a Planning Compliance team context (e.g. X% of files to be closed in Y months / X% of customers to be responded to within Y days?). I would appreciate any comments you have – either through the forum, or by emailing me on