Publicising a designation of a neighbourhood area - Public forum - Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
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Started - July 2012
Last activity - This week
Publicising a designation of a neighbourhood area
Hi Having designated areas, does the Council have to use the same approach to publicise the designation as it used to carry out the consultation for the area applications? Part 2, para 7 states that it should publiscise it on the web and in such a manner.. to bring it to the attention of people who live work and carry out business ? It seems a bit onerous? Any thoughts on the matter would be appreciated.
Hello Fiona My authority tends to limit it to a website update and a general press release which consists of items in local newspapers and the Council newsletter, twitter feed etc. organised through the PR team.
Thanks Dan, Having used a comprehensive 'belt and braces 'approach to the consultation on the area application, it seemed a bit onerous to replicate it in order to publicise the designation. In hindsight, I think the criteria is relatively flexible, and up to the discretion of each LPAs to decide on the appropriate measures. Thanks
Hi Fiona, I would agree with the suggestions. In addition, perhaps it should an email should go to your SCI database notifying people, or at the least those people that have made representations on the application. You could also consider supplying the Parish with an updated plan and notice. It does seem a little onerous - anyone who was that interest had the opportunity to comment. Furthermore, now that a plan area is designated the neighbourhood will have to go through its own stages of public consultation.