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Size of Neighbourhood Area (by population)

Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Size of Neighbourhood Area (by population)

What is the largest size of Neighbourhood Area anyone has designated? We have so far designated several rural parishes / wards but we have a potential proposal for a town with a population of 30,000. Any thoughts, advice, guidance etc would be most welcome!
Daniel Hudson, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Size of Neighbourhood Area (by population)

Advocate Posts: 121 Join Date: 25/04/12 Recent Posts
I don't think size can be a material factor in itsself although the practicalities including SA, infrastructure planning etc are daunting for a settlement of this size. The examination and referendum won't be cheap either. Presumably for a town of that size, the Core Strategy sets out a specific development land allocation which the Neighbourhood Planning Body would have to meet. A key consideration in approving a Neighbourhood Planning area is whether development needs can be met within that area. If a rational plan for the area would require land in neighbouring parishes, this would be extremely problematic. Conversely the neighbourhood planning body may have its eye on CIL reciepts and may seek to 'cram' development within a tight Parish boundary. As far as I can see, Neighbourhood Planning bodies are not subject to the Duty to Co-operate so if needs cannot be met within that area the NP is unsound. You might take the view that the scale of need and the geography of the proposed neighbourhood area are such that the preparation of a plan which is in general conformity with the strategic aspects of the Local Plan is impossible.
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Size of Neighbourhood Area (by population)

Thanks for that - confirms some of my doubts especially as this is our main strategic settlement, taking the largest share of development and the strategic part of our Local Plan has just gone through examination (Inpectors report currently awaited) This includes some strategic development allocations for the town and with further allocations to be made through the second part of the Local Plan. The PC have already stated they understand the need to be in broad conformity with the Local Plan and wish the Neighbourhood Plan to develop more detailed and locally distinctive policies. As a Local Authority we are supportive of Neighbourhood Plans as a principle so want to help our communities take these forward provided they positively address local planning issues, but I do have concerns about how a population of 30,000 can genuinely be involved in shaping such a plan at the local level - not saying it can't be done but it will be a complex process. Obviously we will have to consult on the proposed designation and will see what comes out of that process - but does anyone know whether we are allowed to condition designation approvals to say what a plan can / cannot cover (provided theres a reasoned justification for this) ?
Daniel Hudson, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Size of Neighbourhood Area (by population)

Advocate Posts: 121 Join Date: 25/04/12 Recent Posts
Some practical points for the PC to consider i) Can they resource an undertaking of this scale? ii) Are they confident of being able to win a town-wide referendum when the likelihood is that those affected by allocations will turn out en masse and those not will stay silent; iii) Where are they left if there is a no vote iv) Assuming they can do all of the above and deliver a town wide plan, how would they deal with genuine neighbourhood level plans within the area. I don't think you can have different tiers of neighbourhood plan!
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Size of Neighbourhood Area (by population)

Yes - there are a number of different distinct neighbourhoods in the parish so that will be an interesting issue for them to consider. The matter of allocations is an interesting one: I am not convinced they should be allocating through this plan given the strategic significance of the settlement. Would we be able to put conditions upon the designation to determine what the plan can and cannot deal with? or would that be seen as unreasonable?
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Size of Neighbourhood Area (by population)

Just to clarify my last point: we will see how the consultation goes when the formal application for designation comes through, and early indications are that the community is thinking along the lines of a more thematic based plan (although of course this could change as community engagement develops). However, depending what transpires, I was wondering if anyone else had conditioned any designations at the outset?
Daniel Hudson, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Size of Neighbourhood Area (by population)

Advocate Posts: 121 Join Date: 25/04/12 Recent Posts
Rather than conditioning the NPA designation (it is not clear whether this can be done), I think it might be better to issue some clear warnings about conformity. If it is their intention - to prepare a plan which doesn't allocate sites; and - the neighbourhood plan is the sole plan for a main settlement with a specific development target. The plan will fail on the grounds of conformity with the Local Plan. If they are not looking to promote development and/or allocate sites, perhaps encouraging them down the non-statutory community plan route might be the way to go.