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Viability testing of neighbourhood plans

Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Viability testing of neighbourhood plans

Hi all

Do neighbourhood development plans have to demonstrate that, where sites have been allocated, that they are also have demonstrate that there are deliverable. Do NDPs have to show viability testing?

There is concern that some sites might be allocated by communities who know in advance that those sites are very unlikely/if at all, to come forward?

Any advice on this subject would be helpful.


Chris Bowden, modified 11 Years ago.

Viability testing of neighbourhood plans

New Member Posts: 2 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts

Hi Fiona,

As with many things neighbourhood planning, there are no hard-and-fast rules. Any NP must comply with the Basic Conditions so must represent sustainable development. One interpretation of this is that development must be able to come forward for it to be sustainable so there is logically then an argument for a degree of viability testing. However, I think a degree of pragmatism is needed. We (Navigus Planning) are providing support  to a Neighbourhood Plan in the SOuth Downs National Park and the big issue for the community is the future of a major development site, owned by a housebuilder. In order to ensure that our porposed policy is robust, we have commissioned some viability work. In the face of inevitable landowner opposition at examination (they want to build a very large number of residnetial units), I will feel much happier if we have this evidence to support our policy. As Tattenhall shows, getting the policy past the examiner is one think but it can still be subject to legal challenge.


Former Member, modified 10 Years ago.

Viability testing of neighbourhood plans

Any NP must also accord with the NPPF and paragraphs 173 to 177 are particularly relevant. For example it says that "pursuing sustainable development requires careful attention to viability and costs in plan making". Any forum or council allocating development sites must be able to justify sites on viability grounds when it suggests sites for allocation. The same could even apply to policies relating to housing design and my council recently faced such representations at Examination about proposed minimum dwelling sizes and car parking standards. I agree a pragmatic approach might be taken by Inspectors but they should be aware of the potential for legal challenge if there is insufficient consideration of viability. The Government's suggested requirement for viability testing of housing standard policies could also affect NPs. Proceed with caution is probably the best advice.