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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Re: Safeguarding Existing Sites in Site Allocations DPD

Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

Safeguarding Existing Sites in Site Allocations DPD

PPS 12 seems to place emphasis on 'new' development allocations within the LDF Site Allocations. How do other authorities see the safeguarding of existing sites fitting in? For example if an Employment Land Review recommends protecting a business site, but for a different use class than in previous local plan policy, is that an issue worthy of inclusion in the main Site Allocations DPD? - and if it is not included there, then where else within the LDF structure is appropriate? Any advice much appreciated.
Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

Re: Safeguarding Existing Sites in Site Allocations DPD

Roger Have you solved this problem yet? My guess is that you have to put it through the mill as if it were a totally new site?
Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

Re: Safeguarding Existing Sites in Site Allocations DPD

Our attitude has so far been that everything is subject to review, whether allocated or not, to determine whether it is suitable for development (in your case that would be based on your Core Strategy's spatial direction) and in order to satisfy whether development is achieveable, suitable and deliverable, to satisy the tests in PPS3. Although those tests are in PPS3 for housing site consideration, there is no reason why these tests shouldn't be applied to any form of development allocated in the LDF. As you would changing the use of the allocation if you followed the recommedation in your evidence base - I would treat this as if it were a new you would have to justify the loss of one potential development site, in favour of another.