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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Re: PPS12 changes

Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

PPS12 changes

Can anyone direct me please to a journal article or other publication that plainly sets out the changes from the old PPS12 to the new one? In my limited experience the new PPS and the Plan-making Manual are fine in explaining how to prepare LDFs but it is not always easy to distinguish what is new from what was reformulated from the earlier PPS. My crude attempt at a summary (without having painfully dissected the Amendment Regulations line by line) is 1) now only a single requirement to consult public and stakeholders i.e. before submission - moving away from formal Issues & Options, Preferred Options stages to a continuous process of engagement; 2) new emphasis on primacy of Core Strategy - to be more specific, detailed, spatial and focused; 3) local authorities given more flexibility to produce only those other plans that are really needed; 4) repackaging the tests of soundness ; 5) SPDs can supplement not only DPDs but also RSS policy or national policy. 6) scope for non-statutory supplementary guidance by public sector agencies. I am sure someone can or has done this better.
Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: PPS12 changes

There currently is not a published document that would do this job. However, this has been set out in a series of presentations around the country to Local Authorities. I can see no reason why these slides cannot be sent to you, if you can provide your e-mail address. As for your summary, apart from point 5, which has not, as yet, been carried forward, you have correctly identified all the key changes brought about by the amended regulations. With regard to point 2, the opportunity to allocate 'strategic sites' in the Core Strategy is a new policy, and flows into your point 3 (in that, if a local authority chooses to allocate strategic sites in a Core Strategy, will it still need to produce all the other plans it originally thought it would?) Let me know if you would like the slides, and where to send them.
Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: PPS12 changes

Thanks, Adam, this is a great help. All eyes now on how these are put into practice.
Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: PPS12 changes

You're welcome Julian. We are hopeful that the Manual will be able to bring to light some good practice as it emerges, as Local Authorities come up with innovative ways of 'making plans' to meet their objectives, rather than all being forced to follow the same rigid path.