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Re: Renewable Enerby & Low Carbon Viability Studies

Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Renewable Enerby & Low Carbon Viability Studies

Have any LPAs commissioned or decided to commission viability studies to look at the potential their areas have in integrating on-site/strategic renewables/ low carbon technologies into development in their areas?. I have been contacted by one firm "Impetus" - advising on their services, but would be interested to hear from other LPA experiences in this subject.
Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: Renewable Enerby & Low Carbon Viability Studies

We are considering doing so (in a hurry!) but as yet don't have any experience of doing so.
Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: Renewable Enerby & Low Carbon Viability Studies

We've been working with Wrexham County Borough Council and Hertfordshire County Council to look at the potential for renewable energy in their area and to link this into establishing targets for proposed new developments. We also looked at the integration of renewable energy into new developments on behalf of SEEDA covering the Dover area.
Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: Renewable Enerby & Low Carbon Viability Studies

Hi Charlotte, Based on some work Milton Keynes BC have carried out through Impetus, we are exploring, funding permitting, to commission a study sometime in 2009. Project brief-wisem, we have nothing prepared so far, but MK were happy to send thier project report onto us as a starting point. I hope there are many other LPAs who are looking into this, as I am sure it is going to be a hot topic for spatial planning in the future.
Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: Renewable Enerby & Low Carbon Viability Studies

If anyone is interested in sharing brief ideas for the future on this topic, and others, you may be interested to see a previous discussion thread - which was trying to gauge the level of interest in a file sharing page for this website, which I think PAS are now looking into, depending on whether they get enough interest.
Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: Renewable Energy & Low Carbon Viability Studies

A good starting point might be the new PPS1 practice guidance which (I think) is being launched tomorrow. It is hosted jointly between PAS and HCAA (formerly known as the ASC). We're still building the final pages behind the scenes, so no public links I'm afraid. We'll have some details in our newsletter this week. I think the plan is to extend the guidance by producing case studies, so have a look and then get in touch. I'm sure we'd be very interested in supporting the production and dissemination of energy DPDs. Richard (PAS)
Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: Renewable Enerby & Low Carbon Viability Studies

We recently commissioned a study to form part of the evidence base for an Area Action Plan, which requires the use of decentralised energy and the delivery of hew housing at specific levels of the Code for Sustainable Homes (Code Levels 4 and 5). The study looks into the feasability of this requirement, looking at number of different technologies that could be utilised to meet Code Level 5. This can be viewed on our website ( The consultants report forms Appendix 1 of this document. Emma Davies (Cambridge City Council)
Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: Renewable Enerby & Low Carbon Viability Studies

We have a recent study by CEN - (LDF pages), Philip Wealthy
Andrew Chalmers, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: Renewable Enerby & Low Carbon Viability Studies

Advocate Posts: 169 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts
Greater Manchester have appointed Urbed, Faber Maunsell and Quantum to do a PPS1 Energy Study with report scheduled for early April. Try contacting Dave Hodcroft at Bury Council for details. 0161 253 5284
Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: Renewable Enerby & Low Carbon Viability Studies

We commissioed IT Power to undertake a Planning for Climate Change Study on behalf of most of the district councils in Leicestershire. The Study includes a climate change assessment of Core Strategy development options, energy efficiency recommendations for new development, and an assessment of renewable energy opportunities.
Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: Renewable Enerby & Low Carbon Viability Studies

Forgot to mention that for those struggling for funding there is an Area Based Grant for Climate Change. Area Based Grants are a DCLG general grant allocated directly to local authorities as additional revenue funding to areas. It is allocated according to specific policy criteria rather than general formulae. All planning authorities except counties, will receive £22,500 in 2009/10.
Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: Renewable Enerby & Low Carbon Viability Studies

It would be useful if those who have had work done as well as those with any fee proposals in could indicate the costs they have incurred or believe they will.