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Re: Tender Brief Sharing Idea

Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Tender Brief Sharing Idea

If there is sufficent intrest from other authorities, would it be possible for PAS to host an LDF Evidence Base Tender Brief Sharing page - whereby standard/specific real world example tender briefs can be uploaded so LPAs can help other during this process? Whilst there may be some differences which every authority will have to consider when formulating briefs, most studies will be similar in broad scope and it would be a useful forum to share these ideas and use them as a starting point - rather than each authority reiventing the wheel each time. It would also be useful when finalising briefs and LPAs could compare what other LPAs are also seeking to gain out of the studies, whether they have thought of different approaches/ angles for study and inclusion, over and above those things to deliver for PPS expectations. An alternative would be for standard briefs to be available from PAS, but not written from any particualr authority perspective. Do other people think this is a good idea - or would be willing to contribute to it if it was set up?
Gerard Woods, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: Tender Brief Sharing Idea

New Member Posts: 23 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts
This is a very good idea, especially if we had a short pro-forma asking some questions about lessons learned/things we would do differently for key areas. Any progress to report? We jointly commissioned a SHLAA, Employment land review and SFRA with neighbouring authorities and would be willing to share the tender briefs. Upcoming work we are looking at is an assessment of economic viability of housing delivery (as mention in paragrpah 29 of PPS3 and the Blythe Valley case), so any examples of this would be welcomed.
Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: Tender Brief Sharing Idea

Ithink it is a good idea too. Obviously people have their specific tendering arrangements to the end, but the front part of the brief would be helpful.
Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Re: Tender Brief Sharing Idea

Any update Ed as to whether PAS think this could be progressed at all?