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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Re: Role of Sustainability Appraisal in providing a sound evidence base???

Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Role of Sustainability Appraisal in providing a sound evidence base???

I understand that the plan making manual content on sustainability appraisals is currently being finalised and will be added soon. In the meantime, I would appreciate any views on the interpretation of PPS12 para 4.43. Could it be read that the SA effectively is itself the evidence base (and therefore would be subject to robustness and credibility tests at an examination)? "4.43 The Sustainability Appraisal should perform a key role in providing a sound evidence base for the plan and form an integrated part of the plan preparation process". As I understood it, the "evidence base" was something distinct from the SA (including the scoping baseline)- although inevitably there is a relationship between the two. However, experience at a recent appeal has led us to question the relative roles of the SA, participation findings and evidence studies in terms of how these each constitute the "evidence base". Any advice/ experiences?
Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: Role of Sustainability Appraisal in providing a sound evidence base???

IMO the SA/SEA forms part of the evidence base, and in particular forms a role in bringing together/integrating the various disparate reports, studies and pieces of data which make up much of the evidence.