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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - This week

Specialist housing for older people

Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Specialist housing for older people

South Gloucestershire Council is considering how best to justify the need for ExtraCare and very sheltered housing for older people. However, we are not aware of any precedent for this. If you can answer any of the following questions we would be very grateful to hear from you. Q1 Have you developed or do you know of any Development Plan or Supplementary Planning Documents which set out policies for the provision of specialist housing for older people, such as ExtraCare or Very Sheltered housing, either for market sale or as affordable housing? Q2 Have general affordable housing policies been used to deliver a proportion of such specialist housing as affordable or is there a policy tailored for that? Q3 If so, what was the process for producing such policies? Q4 What evidence base was used and how was that evidence gathered? Q5 Have any of these policies been challenged at appeal? It would be useful to know the dates any such policies were developed.
Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: Specialist housing for older people

Hello Dan A while ago the County Council produced an informal guidance note (attached) which tried to pull together information on the key characteristics of extra care schemes. It was prepared at a time when there was a housing moratorium and may not be directly relevant to what you're looking for, but hopefully there may be some useful information in it. As mentioned the document was only informal and had no weight attached to it; however, it provided some assistance to development control officers at the time. It refers to some appeal decisions that may also be of interest.