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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Today

Progressing Site Allocations after a Core Strategy

Graham Ritchie, modified 14 Years ago.

Progressing Site Allocations after a Core Strategy

Enthusiast Posts: 26 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts
The Core Strategy for the Borough allocates a number of strategic sites for development together with setting the broad principles of where future proposals will be accommodated to 2026. The authority is now working towards the Sites Document to allocate land for the residual development not covered by the Strategic Sites within the Core Strategy. This will include sites for housing, retail, employment, community, leisure and recreational use together with site for gypsy/travellers and burial grounds. The Council is keen to obtain advice on approaches (including methodologies) for considering how all the various potential sites for development are then selected, taking account of Sustainability Appraisal and the principles/guidelines within a Core Strategy.