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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - This week

Re: Publication of responses v Data protection

Ian Nelson, modified 14 Years ago.

Publication of responses v Data protection

New Member Posts: 4 Join Date: 21/10/11 Recent Posts
We are currently working through the various responses to a consultation on our Core Strategy (not yet at submission stage). We would like to put copies of all reps on our website but this raises potential issues in respect of Data Protection and what can actually be published. It has been suggested that we need to remove all personal information before putting on our website. How have otehrs gone about this issue?
Graham Ritchie, modified 14 Years ago.

Re: Publication of responses v Data protection

Enthusiast Posts: 26 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts
Following submission of Wokingham Borough's Core Strategy to the Secretary of State in August last year, over 1,500 individuals and organisations responded. Copies of all the representations are available on the Council website ( The Council covered details of the respondents addresses (both postal and email), phone number and signature when the representations were scanned so that this information is not available on the website. However, the orignial representatinos (including these details) can still be viewed at the Council offices.
Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Re: Publication of responses v Data protection

North East Lincolnshire Council completed consultation on its Core Strategy Revised Preferred Options document in January using Limehouse online consultation portal. Any comments received using more traditional methods (letters, emails etc) were scanned and also made available electronically on the Council website. Any personal details (signatures, email, postal addresses etc) were covered prior to scanning. The originals (with details) are available for viewing at the Council offices.
Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Re: Publication of responses v Data protection

Just wondered in terms of the originals available for inspection, what did you do if someone wanted to come in and have a copy of the reps - did / would you let them take a copy without blanking out names/addrresses etc?