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Pre Submission/ Submission of DPDs

Richard Overy, modified 14 Years ago.

Pre Submission/ Submission of DPDs

New Member Posts: 18 Join Date: 24/05/11 Recent Posts
It seems that we are required by the 2008 regulations (2008 No1371) to send a copy of any submission DPD to our Statutory Consultees even if they have previously received a copy as part of the pre submission consultation process and no changes have been made to the DPD. Section 30, 3, C of the regs state "(3) As soon as reasonably practicable after a local planning authority submit a DPD to the Secretary of State they must— (c) send to each of the specific consultation bodies invited to make representations under regulation 25(1) or 26(1) (as the case may be)— (i) a copy of the DPD and each of the documents referred to in paragraph (1)(a) to (e)," This seems to be both onerous and a waste of money. Although I appreciate consultees need to see a summary of the representations, sending another copy of the DPD which is unchanged seems to be pointless. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Re: Pre Submission/ Submission of DPDs

The only point I would make is that there is a difference between 'statutory consultees' and 'specific consultation bodies'. The specific consultation bodies are only those named in Regulation 2(a). This is a different list from your 'statutory consultees'. I hope this helps.