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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - This week

Re: Infrastructure Delivery Plan

Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Infrastructure Delivery Plan

We are preparing an Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) for the authority, for the infrastructure required to deliver the Core Strategy. We have already undertaken, as apart of the central London sub-region, an initial sub-regional assessment through Central London Forward and URS Consultants. The Borough-level IDP will be more borough specific, and already have engaged infrastructure providers and partner organisations, as well as establishing the governance procedures for infrastructure. I have slight concerns regarding the advice in PPS12, and the level of detail required in the IDP, specifically regarding timing. I see the process as on-going and iterative. It will, necessarily, evolve over time. And so the main question or advice we need relates to the level of detail required for the IDP at the point the Core Strategy is submitted vis-à-vis the time that we have the Core Strategy examined. Clearly as evidence for the Core Strategy, the IDP should evidence the necessary infrastructure and providers required for the Core Strategy itself. But, how far along the lines towards the ideal model of an IDP should it be at Core Strategy submission stage? There appears to be at best ambiguous advice here. Any thoughts on where to look, or who may be able to answer, advise or even be prepared critique our approach to date appreciated.
Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Re: Infrastructure Delivery Plan

You may already have found what you were looking for, but in the event you haven't yet, we considered this issue as part of a seminar presentation on LDF Evidence back in May and have consridered within recent infrastructure assessment work. A link attached to the seminar information is below. Please contact me if you wish to discuss.
Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Re: Infrastructure Delivery Plan

Hi Jon I appreciate that you may have dealt with this now but you may want to look at the Steps Approach to Infrastcutre Planning and Delivery on this website that sets out a process that you can follow. it is not the only means but is mentioned in the recent Lessons Learned from PINS (Sept. 2009).. there is also a Community of Practice on IDPs here that will have more information posted to it in the coming months. Other LBs currently working on this approach are Ealing, Lewisham, Islington and Newham and you may find it useful to speak with them. Janice